Ishan is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and possesses a Certificate in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA). He holds a BCom degree and a Certificate in Accounting from the University of Natal. He has also completed the Senior Management Programme with Henley Business School.
Prior to joining Mazars he was the Chief Audit Executive (Designate) for Assurance and Forensic at Eskom Holdings SOC. He was accountable for Internal Audit, Technical Audit, Technical Investigations and Forensic Investigations for the organization and managed a department with a staff compliment of approximately 110 professionals. As part of his role, he was an official of the Board Audit and Risk Committee, EXCO and the Eskom Executive Tender Committee. Accordingly he is passionate and has extensive experience in Internal Auditing, Risk Management and Governance.
Ishan has previously served on the Gauteng Regional Committee of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), as well as the Technical Committee. His previous experience in auditing includes managing portfolios in Commercial, Finance, Distribution, Customer Services, Corporate Communications and Subsidiaries.