Nomso KanaNuclear Scientist | Governor at NEFA | Presidential 4IR Commissioner

Miss Nomso Kana is a nuclear scientist by trade and working as an entrepreneur in the broadband infrastructure sector aiming to connect the unconnected. She has been in the youth leadership space since 2010 and has undertook prominent positions such as a South African Delegation leader for the World sustainability energy forum, serving as a contributor towards youth development strategy through the SADC Parliament forum organ and young women development through the African Women leadership network. She has received several international accolades from her social entrepreneurship work, the most recent is the Young Entrepreneur award by the African Women Innovation, Entrepreneurship forum (AWIEF).
She has been recently appointed to serve as a Commissioner for 4IR, an initiative by incumbent South African President. She is also serves as a governor for the Nuclear Energy foundation agency, a commercial African group that implores alternative energy sources in 43 African countries.
In addition, she is serving as a Programme director for Taungana Africa, a non-profit movement that provides high school girls from rural and extremely underexposed sub-Saharan communities with world-class access platform and exposure to education, future skills and career options in STE2M (science, technology, engineering/entrepreneurship and mathematics). She also serves as the deputy chairperson of the Nelson Mandela science center, Uitenhage.
Nomso Kana Twitter: @onlynomso