Event report

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The three-part Digital Marketing Training series organised by the French South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with Teads MEA has wrapped up.

The last session focused ways marketers and brand managers can capture audiences limited attention in order to be attracted to the brand.  The online seminar was hosted by Teads South Africa's Senior Head of Business Development Simon Whitehead

Simon explained that brands are now leaning towards audience attention as a key to unlocking successful digital ad investment. He added there are challenges brands need to overcome to take full advantage and reap the benefits.  "We feel that in order to ensure success it is important that we are measuring properly and really look at placements that really matter that avoid the pitfalls," said Simon. 

Simon highlighted the Teads 5 key attention learnings from 2023. 

  1. Premium publishers, and news publishers, are much better at delivering attention vs social media.  

  1. Non-forced format can be deliver as much attention than forced format, with the benefit of being perceived as less intrusive. 

  1. Attention varies a lot by device, dimension and context which leaves a lot of room from optimization. 

  1. Creative assts built specifically for Teads have been proven to drive higher attention vs unoptimized generic assets. 

  1. More attention generates more outcomes, presuming the ad is well branded.  


We thank our member Teads for offering those 3 webinars and enriching our knowledge around digital marketing.  

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