Companies news
Doing Business in Ivory Coast
Africa House would like to invite you to join them on a business mission to explore opportunities in Côte d’Ivoire from 26 to 30 March 2017. The mission will be led by Paul Runge of Africa House. Paul has recently completed the pilot visit to investigate the port of San Pedro on the west coast. The port is undergoing major expansions to cater for the country’s oil and gas and mining development and export activities. The mission will include a visit to the headquarters of the African Development Bank. Please find on left the draft program and contact us for more infos on
Twenty-two countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have French as their official language. This represents a total market of around 290 million inhabitants. South African trade statistics reveal that in 2015 only about 8% of South African exports to the sub-region (R24 billion) went to Francophone markets of which 54% was to the DR Congo. Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa therefore constitutes a major business opportunity for suppliers of goods, works and services.
To investigate current and upcoming developments at San Pedro port with regard to the port development as well as ancillary project opportunities.
As new port developments entail a wide range of support supplies and services, this mission should interest companies involved in port supplies and services, logistics, property development, finance, insurance and legal, power and water supply, GIS services among others. There is also a potential oil and gas processing development at San Pedro.