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Mazars Messenger | June 2020

Every month, Mazars Messenger carries a combination of unique Mazars thought leadership, industry information and insights.


  1. Covid-19: Post pandemic world – is your business ready?
  2. Why treasury needs a brand new 2020/21 Budget
  3. Free POPI readiness assessment
  4. How 2020 is fundamentally changing SA’s technological landscape
  5. Covid-19: On-demand skills – Financial services industry assistance to adapt
  6. ZARscore software - Simplifying the process of B-BBEE compliance management
  7. 5 Ways to harness sustainability amid Covid-19
  8. Talent management solutions: Using them to outperform your competitors in the context of digitalisation
  9. Taxpayer rights to be notified is a matter of administrative justice. 
  10. How can managers cope with the impact of Covid-19 on employees and the workplace?

About Mazars South Africa

Mazars South Africa is a top-six audit, tax and advisory firm by audit fee income, and one of Africa’s largest audit firms. We work with a wide range of clients – from private clients and local businesses to large corporate companies and global organisations.


Download mz_messenger_jun2020.pdf  (PDF • 4 MB)

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