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Women In Business - in collaboration with Work In The City Johannesburg

in presence of H.E. Mrs Elisabeth Barbier Ambassador of France to South Africa.

As her mandate in SA is nearing to its end, H.E. Ambassador Barbier will share with us her experience as a diplomat in the country, her insight and views of women’s situation in South Africa, two decades after the proclamation of one of the World’s most advanced constitution in terms of women’s and minorities’ rights and she will reflect upon her career as diplomat.

Interview by Bénédicte Rousseau, Sociologist, Honorary President of HEC Au Feminin, Founder Work In The City Johannesburg.

Date: Wednesday 21st September

Venue: The Saxon Hotel

Time: 8 am for 8:30am

RSVP at your earliest convenience and before 12th September to: communications(@)

FSACCI members: R 200

Non-member: R 250

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